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Q & A

Q: What does DOI mean?

A: That's top secret. (DOI (band) is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or representative of any government agency, regulatory body, or other organization, and assumes no responsibility for any misplaced name recognition or any real or indirect consequences arising from such confusion.)

Q: What are you saying in that Japanese song?

A: この曲は、我々はまだ私が辞めたと、彼らはボーカルにドリューの兄ダンと大穴に変更した時刻から再生だけです


Q: How can I book DOI to play my show?

A: Find the professor and ask to be taken to either 2004, 2015, or 2022.

Q: Weren't you in that D.O.I. band?

A: Yes


Q: When is the new album coming out?

A: It isn't, but some of the material should make its way online one of these days. Check out The Manipulators' EPs while you're waiting.

Q: What was the first DOI song?

A: Shut Your Corncake

Q: Who writes the songs?

A: DOI songs are a collaboration between all of us.

Q: Are Odds Against and DOI the same band?

A: Yes and no.


Q: How were you able to be so date-specific on the timeline?

A: Thoroughly marked wall calendars, and general detective work.


Q: What gives? That tape I got at the New Button show sucks. After seeing your set I expected it to be alot better.

A: Those tapes were recorded when we were between 12 and 15 years old and don't represent the sound we grew into. They were made and handed out as something of an inside joke and we more or less expected recipients to toss them in the trash after an attempted listen.

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